Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Belated merry christmas guys!
I haven't been very good at the moment with keeping this up-to-date, but as you all knew Christmas was just around the corner and a such I was pretty busy.

Christmas was a lot of fun here (though I was asked a lot why I wasn't going home for Christmas because Germany is so close) and I got more than I had expected!
I expected to not get that much from home because I need to fit everything into one suitcase to take home so I was pleasantly surprised when more arrived. :)
Special thanks to Nessi and Ursu whose presents just arrived today. They were really sweet! ;)

I celebrated with my host family on the 24th which to me was different. At home we open the presents on the 25th and have a big dinner the 24th, but in Denmark (and Germany) you do both on the 24th.
It was still a lot of fun. :D
We had a huge dinner after which I felt like I was going to explode. Then we got out the Risallamagne. (I hope I spelled that right. :'D)
It's Milchreis with almond bits mixed in and a warm cherry sauce on top. It is SO good. Nomnom. <3
However one almond is mixed in whole and the person to find it gets one extra present called the "Almond Present" (roughly translated). And you keep on eating until the almond is found. And we had this huge bowl of Risallamagne. :'D
I was so glad I found it in my first bowl. Delicious, but maybe I'd have eaten more on a slightly less full stomach.
Thanks for the fluffy scarf though! ;)

The days after Christmas Eve we visited Jens side of the family and then Britts which was a lot of fun. Then starting saturday I stayed at Lenas until today. :D
I'd come home once or twice, but most of the time I was at Lenas house for.... four days. XD
Lots of fun filled with lots of crazy ideas.
Shout out to Lena and again thank you Lena for Pietsmiet! XD

Hmmmmm that's about it so I'll wish you all a Happy New Year and here are some pictures fiting the Christmas theme.